William Blathwayt’s Reflections on a Paper Concerning America



William Blathwayt’s Reflections on a Paper Concerning America

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[c. 1685]

[Blathwayt, William] Reflections on a Paper
concerning America

BL 416

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1 The taking up great Quantities of land
by single persons in Jamaica

This is true in fact and was allowed
of uponfrom the first settlement of
Jamaica by an Instruction that
directs The Governor to forbear (if
he shall so think fitt) the taking
advantage of any penalty or forfeitures
against any planter or Inhabitants for
not planting their Lands according
to the times limited, untill The Governor
shall have represented the state
of that matter, Which Sir R. Howard
is also directed to do upon his arrivall
in order to receive His Majesty’s pleasure
thereupon. But it is no less true that
Former Governors being interested in great
quantities of Lands, have been
neglected to make this representation which
becomes every day more necessary
as The Island is better peopled[.] This
will also encrease his Majety’s RevenueRevenue
arising from the Quitrents.

2 It would be well that more places
than Port Antonio were setled & fortified
which cannot be done on a sudden or by
 without great expence. However

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The Lands of the Earl of Carlisle and
of Sir T. Lynch ought to be made
lyable to the Quitrents or the forfeitures
the rather as The Proprietors are not
needy persons & have therefore no
excuse for not manuring their Lands.

All His Majesty’s Plantations as well
as Jamaica, and Jamaica indeed (as Jamaica indeed in
an eminent degree) are worthy of His
Majesty’s care as They enlarge His Empire
& Revenue very considerably and
Those Plantations which heretofore
were but looked upon as desperate
adventures and of little importance are now become necessary
and important members of the Main body, so as and
[unclear] deserve as good Governors as is proposed
which is the more requisite as He is
The Representative of His Majesty at so
great distance and has nothing else
to support him but his Comission &

4. As It ought to be the chief care of the
Governor to provide such places for The
King’s ships & stores, He may receive
an Instruction to that purpose.

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5. Sir Thomas Lynch & other Governors
had such an Instruction but
nothing can more improve The
Plantations than liberty of conscience
[to be?]

6. The constituting such a Governor
or ViceRoy as is proposed to reside
in England will give afford a Title &
bring of be of some profitt to a
Person of that Eminent quality but
how it can advance His Majesty’s interest
in this or any other Plantation does not appear since The Deputy
will hold himself only accomptable
to his immediate Superior and be at
a further distance from His Majesty’s directions

Coll No man is better known in
the West Indies than Collonel Codrington
having distinguished himself by affecting popularity in the Assembly but it is conceived His Majesty has very
many Subjects in those parts as well as in England no less
capable than He is of serving His Majesty
than he is represented to be.

7. This Island of Providence as well as
Tortudas now setled by the French did formerly
belong to the English but were severall
years past abandon’d by Them. Nor can His

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His Majesty now repossess himself of Providence
without great expence and a rupture
with the Spaniards who are so jealous
of New Settlements in their neighborhood
which They take to be contrary to the
Treaty of Madrid made in the year 1670.
However all these conveniencies and
advantages proposed by a Trade with
the Spaniards may be in some degree
& more safely as well as with less jealousy carried on in Jamaica
to which end orders are already given
andbut cannot be well affected without a totall
destruction of the Privateers which
do not only disturb the Spaniards but
debauch The English both Traders
& Planters.

8. It is true that The Privateers find
great Succors at Jamaica by Provisions
and Supplies of men which is not always
with the knowledge or by the countenance
of The Governor: Those Privateers are
likewise encouraged and supported by The
French at Petit Goaves & at Tortudas &
Hispaniola and by the English Proprietries
as the Bahama Islands, Carolina Maryland New England
etc which by their submission unto surrender of their charters may be in a great manner prevented

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The Spaniards have fortified some
Places in the West Indies but it remains
nevertheless in His Majesty’s Power to be
Master of the greatest and best parts of Their
Dominion in America but it cannot is ma
does not [a]
 easily made appear
how it can be for His Majesty’s Service
to possess himself of them weaken
or disturb the Spaniards in America, They being
already Subservient in the course of
Trade to the English Nation who reap
the Profit of their hazards & labour
without any expence to the Crown.

The French may indeed do us
and Our Trade greater prejudice by
an increase of their Power there.

9 Tobago being the most Windward Island
of all The Charibby Islands is by it’s
situation as well as fruitfullness very
considerable but His Maty has already
Plantations enough to receive as many
of his Subjects or Forreigners as may goe
thither for an many [[unclear]] manyyears to come. Nor is it practicable
to depopulate any other Islands for the sake

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of Tobago besides the hazard of His Majesty’s
Customs but it is indeed of very great
consequence that no other nation be
permitted to settle in Tobago.

The sending of Good Governors to the
Plantations is much insisted on with great
reason for which where His Majesty has
so few Officers of His own appointment
They ought to be the more carefull
of Their Duty and at so great a distance
from the Master’s Eye, Great Temptations
happens whereby His Majesty’s service is often
does often suffer.

10 If the Spiritt of Rum could be improved,
as is proposed, it would be of exceed
very great profitt to His Majesty & His

11. If any other usefull Products besides
Sugar were encouraged It would be very
beneficiall and especially Those of the
East Indies.

12. It is certainly His Majesty’s interest to hinder
any other nation but the Spaniards to thrive
or Plant in the West Indies especially in such places
where they may be able to annoy either Them us or Them.

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13. This Company is not yet setled
and the m Spaniards seldom
take so good measures.

New England.

What is said of New England seemsis
very true and worthy of His
Majesty’s consideration. It cannot be
to any purpose that his Majesty be
at any charge (except for Shipping &
a small Honorary Guard for The Governor)
for if The People be refractory The
Power of Shipping and will be much
more effectual than 1000 men in
Pay which cannot cost less than
20000 l. per annum for which His Majesty can expect
no profitable returns from New England besides use of their men & shipps upon occasion

Some of the other colonies of New England will be taken
immediately under His Majesty’s Government and
the others will soon submitt.


Strict orders are already given for building
of Towns.

It is not easy to comprehend how New Discovery
can be of advantage to His Majesty, who wants more subjects than
Land in America.

EARLY ACCESS:  Transcription is under editorial review and may contain errors.
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