Proceedings of the Council of the Dominion of New England


Proceedings of the Council of the Dominion of New England (1686)


The following are excerpts from “Proceedings of the Council of the Dominion of New England from 5th May to 16th December 1686”

This transcription is in progress.

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Slavery Law & Power in Early America and the British Empire (February 10, 2025) Proceedings of the Council of the Dominion of New England. Retrieved from
"Proceedings of the Council of the Dominion of New England." Slavery Law & Power in Early America and the British Empire - February 10, 2025,
Slavery Law & Power in Early America and the British Empire July 14, 2022 Proceedings of the Council of the Dominion of New England., viewed February 10, 2025,<>
Slavery Law & Power in Early America and the British Empire - Proceedings of the Council of the Dominion of New England. [Internet]. [Accessed February 10, 2025]. Available from:
"Proceedings of the Council of the Dominion of New England." Slavery Law & Power in Early America and the British Empire - Accessed February 10, 2025.
"Proceedings of the Council of the Dominion of New England." Slavery Law & Power in Early America and the British Empire [Online]. Available: [Accessed: February 10, 2025]

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Page 1

Boston In
New England Present
May the 25 1686
The Honorable Joseph Dudley Esq., President
William Houghton Richard Wha[rten?]
Robert Mason [Farth?] Gedney
John FitzWinthrop John Hinks
John [Lincheoir?] Edward Tying
Peter Buckeley Edward Randolph
Walt Winthrop

The President and Councill being assembled the exem
-plificacon of the Indgineut against the Charter of the [said?]
Governour and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New
-England publickly (in open court where were present divers
of the [?] Ministers, Gentlemen and inhabitants
of the Town and Country) was [read] with an audible voice.

Then his Majestyes Commission of Government directed
{His majestes Commission Read.}
to the President and Councill was likewise read in open Court.

The President then proceeded and took the oath of Allegiance
{The Oaths taken.}
and also the Oath [confeined?] in that Commission, which were
administred to all the members of the Councill then present.

The President and Councill took their places upon the bench
{President and Councill Remove.}
leaveing before [sationed?] the table in the Councill Chamber
The President addressed himself to the assembly in a
sort and gratefull speech. as Copie whereof is as follows

Both my self, and the other honorable Members of his Majestys
{Presidents Speech to the Assembly.}


Page 2

May 25:
Councill present, have taken this Governint and {Reach?} by his Majesties
speciall Command, wherein we are required, all excesses set aside
to strike the charge and management of this His Majesties Territory and
Dominion of New England, and by all means carefully to intend
his service, and the growth and flourishing of these plantations: ~
And you have have now seen his solemnly service according to the discretion
of his Majesty: Commision even now read and published unto you.
And upon must allow me to tell you, that it is impossible for my-
self {aird} these Gentlemen, of all whose ability, industry and Loyalty
I have no reasons to doubt, except for my self. I sey it is impossible
for us tobring his Majestyes desite and expertation, which we are
well assured is no office? then the happt increase and advance of His
Provinces, by their more immediate expenditure upon the Goivn*Government of
England, which all of his good subjects intend and conspire the {?}
by a sober loyall and dutiful {?} towards his Majesties ~
Government here, which therefore ive now advised you of as the plainest
path unto your own hapiness, and of which we may not doubt that
you will fail not
The {?} alterations in the Rule and Form of Administration
of this His Majesties Government from the methodds safe used by the Gover-
ment while it stood by Charles used by his Majesties indulgemt{?] and fuvouy{?}
they need be but of fero{?}, se we asure you shall with all rare and
prudent be routrived as plain and {?} as is possible, and we shall
{?} humbly to lay them at his most gratious Majesties feet for his
allowence and counfiguration{?}
I may not omit to remark unto you in his Majesties Coummission that
gratious and favorable clause of Indulgence in matters of Religio-
so necessary for the Deare ad flourashing of this please, as also that
of his Command unto his President and Councill here, that they ~
further lay before him such methods and Rules in Governments are
necessary for you: and when We are Commanded to ask, We are assu
red that so just, and wise a Prince as our Sovereigne (whom we have)-
is doth not mean to deny. It greatly imports us therefore and I~
humbly Pray to God that We ignore both the said indulgence and
direction of Address to his Majestie to his Majesties satisfaction and our-
oion{?} future lasting benefit.
If there be any so ill=minded as to suppose that We are now escaped
from under a strict and severe Government and think to afford them-
selves in {?} and ill=living (which hath hisserse{?} to happily
been prevented from overcommming these plantations, and which halth
been the true cause of their being so much more considerable than
their neighbours) We do ensure them, and We do humbly under our thanks
to God and his Majestie that his Commands and directions to us are
expresly to the Contrary, and most agreeable to out ownunifications:


Page 3

And We do therefore justly expert frm the several justices of the.
Deare, Coustable{?} and other offices new presently to be comissioned
and established that they carefully intend the supressions{?} of all
vice and ill measures and we shall always strengthen your hands
there in. and God can make the success happy.
I shall have done when I have told you, that for the Injuries
safe offered to my self by this People I should not cure have
mentioned them, but to assure you that I have perfectly forgotten
them. and that I am a true and sincere Lover of my Country
and shall by all means (if I may thereinbe assisted and ad
vised) not to fail to demonstrate if unto you the following shed
administration of Government; and this I say as remembring-
that (you may know) I have an accompt{?} to amke immediately
to his Majestie and finally to God the Judge of all.

A Proclaimation by the President and Councill (being Printed) Proclama=tion.
was openly wad{?} in court, and Commanded to be published by beat
of drumme and sound of trumpet which was accordingly done
and many coppies delivered out to the People, and whereof{?} as
WHEREAS. We have received from his most Excellent Majestie
our Sovereign Lord James the Second King of Engld Scotts Hranri{?}
and Greta Defender of the Haittu ye The Exemplification of a judgement
in his high Court of Chancery under his Jajesties great seal of Engld
bearing safe the thirteenth of october in the first yeat of his Majesties
Reigne; against the Governour and Company of the Massachusetts
Bay in NewEngld: whereby the Government thereof and all the mem
+bers themselves belonging is now in his Majesties hands.
And his Majestie having been graciously pleased to declare that he is
minded to give all protection and encouragement to all his good subjects
therein, and to provide in the most effectuall manner that due and
impartiall Justice may be administred in all cases civil and crimi
=nal, and all care totaken for the quiet and orderly Government of the-
same. And in order there to it hath pleased his most excellent
Majesty by his Commision bearing safe the Eight day of October in
the first year of his Reigne under the great seal of Engld to erect and
constitute a President and Councill to take Care of all that his Terri
=tory and Dominion of NewEngld called the Massachussetts Bay, the
Provinces of New Hampshire and Maine, and the Management{?}
Country, otherwise called the Kings Providence with all the Islands
Rights and Members thereunto belonging, ad to order, rule and
govern the same according to the Rules, methods, and Regulations
specified and Declared in the said Commision: Togeaddier{?} w:


Page 4

May 25th. His Majesties Gracious Indulgence in matters of Religion
And foe the Execution of his Royall Pleasure in that behalfe he Majestie
hath be pleased. be appoint Joseph Dudley Esq. to be the first Presidt
of his Mahesties said Councill and Vire Nomirall{?} of these Seas, and to
confinne in the said Offices until his Majesty shall otherwise
direct, and also to apoint Simon Branfsreet, William Stornghton
Peter Buldlet, John Pintheon, Robert Mason; Richard Wharton-
Wair Winthrop, Nathaniel Saffriesfall{?}. Bartholomero Gioney, Jonathan
Ting, Jogn Ussier. Dudley Bradstreet, John Hinks, Tresuris{?} Champer=
uoon, Edward Tyug, John Hitz Winthrop and Edward Randolph Esqis
to be His Majesties Councill in the said Colonye and Territoryes.
The President and Councill therefore being Convened according to-
the direction and from if the sd Commision, and haveing taken the
dassies{?} therin required, and finding if Primarilt needfull, that~
speedy and effectyall care be be tyaken for the maintainance and preser
=vation of the Peace, havving accordingly appointed and authorized Justi
=ces of the Peace in the Severall Provinces; and do also hereby conti
=nue all and every the granf Juries of the Severall Countyes, Consta
=bles, select Townsmen, and such as have lately had the charge
of Watches{?}, in these severall and respective offices, charge and trust,
till officers be orderly appointed to succeed them. And the said
President and Councill we hereby in his Majestyes name shirtly com
=mand and require the severall Justices of the Peace, select Towns
=men, overseers of the Poor, Surveyers of the High Wayes, Coustables
and other inferior officers who have had thier serverall and res
=spective offices, charges and trusts for the Preservation of the Peace
and for Suppressing and discomfrenancing{?} all disorder and Vice.
And We do hereby require all his Majestyes Subjects within the sd
Colony and Territoryes to be obedient, aiding&assisting to all such-
Justices of the Peace, Constables and other officers in the operation
of their severall offices anf places at their utmost Perrill,
God Save the King.
[County of Suffold.] A Commision of the Peace weas deliverd to divers Gentlemen in-
Boston and the Towns afjacent whose names follow.
To John Wichards Simon Lynds
Sam: Sewall etoum Winthrope
Edw: Rayoson Wilham Torroy Esquires.
John Joyliffe Edmond Quinsey
& Hn{?}: Goerch


Page 5

A Commission to the Gentlemen of the County of Middlesex.[May 25: County ofMiddlesex
to Daniel Cookin Thomas Hinchman
James Rusell Esqes Thomas Prentire
Thomas Raves William Rond Cont{m}:
Jonathan Wade Ephraim Hint{?}
&John Brown
A Commision for the Gentlemen of the County of Essox. [County of Essox.]
To William Brown Gimies{?}
John Hawthorne
John Woodbridge
John Appleton Jen: Esquires.
Richard Sumter{?}
Daniel Eppr.

Mr. Giles Dijor of Boston appointed to be the Receiver
of the Duties upon Wined and other Liquors imported to this Government.

That the Provlamation which was this fay read in open
Court and Published by bear of Drumme and sound of Trum
=pet be sent to all the Towns belonging to this His Majesties governemnt [margin text]

Adjourned till to morrow

May y 25.

EARLY ACCESS:  Transcription is under editorial review and may contain errors.
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