
New Plantation at Cape Florida, Carolina 

During the early years of colonization, imperial officials essentially advertised colonies as they attempted to populate them. This notice came as the colony of Carolina remained relatively unpopulated by English colonists, as various incentives and advantages were presented to lure in potential colonists.


In 1667, the Lords Proprietors of the colony of Carolina issued a notice about the availability of land in their colony. The notice contained details about the colony’s geographic and colonial features to entice English settlers, including the promise of land grants (“headrights”) of 100 acres for each person (spouse, children, servants–50 acres for every enslaved person) the settler brings with them. Just a few years under the management of the Lords Proprietors, the Carolina colony remained underpopulated compared to nearby British colonies such as Virginia, Barbados, and Bermuda. The colony had operated under the 1629 charter granted by Charles I to Sir Robert Heath, but the conflict and uncertainty of the English Civil Wars and Interregnum were not conducive to the settlement of English people in the colony. Under the new charter and new management, the Lords Proprietors desired to accelerate settlement and jump-start the return on their investment and eventual revenues for the crown.

Charles II had granted the Lords Proprietors, including John Locke’s patron, Anthony Ashley Cooper, an expansive charter for their colony in 1663. Locke became the secretary of the proprietorship in 1668, as the proprietors began to formally organize their colony. As secretary, Locke penned the Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina in 1669 at the behest of the Lords Proprietors, which formally set the structures of governance and law within the Carolina colony. In the years leading up to the Fundamental Constitutions, the Lords Proprietors experimented with organizing the colony to attract settlers. The notice below gives a sense of how the Lords Proprietors sought to entice settlement and structure the colony’s governance and society to encourage development.


  1. How do the Lords Proprietors hope to entice settlers to their colony? What type of freedoms and rights do they offer?
  2. Why do you think they granted a different amount of land for importing a servant versus importing an enslaved person?
  3. Compare the governance structures outlined in this notice to the 1629 charter and the 1669 Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina. What differences do you see across the three documents? What similarities? 

Lauren Michalak

Further Reading
  • A.M. Barnes, “Proprietary Government of Carolina, The,” Green Bag 12, no. 12 (December 1900): 644-647.
  • Lindley S. Butler, A History of North Carolina in the Proprietary Era, 1629-1729 (UNC Press Books, 2022).
  • Daniel Webster Fagg, Jr., Carolina, 1663-1683: The Founding of a Proprietary (Ph.D. dissertation, Emory University, 1970).
  • PRO 30/24/48 no. 83, The National Archives (UK).
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New Plantation in Cape Florida

Page 1 of 19

Notis is hereby given to all ingenious & industrious persons that there
in a New Plantation begun 2 years since on the main land between
Virginia & the Cape of Floreda, at a place called Cape Feare in the
Province of Carolina in the lattitude of about 34 degrees. It is a Climate
most desirable for it temperature, & fertility, as those [that{?}] are there have [[none?]]
& those lately come from thence do testifie, they have 2 crops of Indian wheate
in one yeare, & all grain, plants, & seeds that they committ to the Earth do
prosper exceedingly: they have Naturally growing aboundance of most stately
Timber of most sorts in England, but very many other sorts not known to us
as Cedar, Pines, Sassafras & other sweet woods, Vines allso Mulbury & Olive
trees from whence come the 3 rich Comodetys of Wine Sylk & Oyle, they have above
dance of deere Turkeys & other fowle in the woods & greate store of Sturgeon, Salmon
& many sortes of other good eating fish both flat & round. They have since planted
& produced very Excellent tobacco, Indeco, Cotton, & potatoes & other roots & frute
proper to Barbados, Virginia, & Barmoodos, The neernes to Which last place makes
the planting thereof more easy. The Priveledges wherenth it is endowed makes it yet
more desirable the princepall whereof follow.

1st There is full & free liberty of Contience granted that those that are truly Contientious
may have liberty to worship God according to their owne way. provided they behave
themselves orderly towards the Civil Goverment.

2d They shall choos from among themselves 13 persons or some other od number; theyne
whereof the Lords will appoynt for Governor & halfe of the other for his Councell, which Governor is
to rule but 3 yeers & then learne to Obey.

3d They shall choose from among themselves an assembly (in the nature of a parliament)
who shall have the sole power of makeing all lawe & laying taxes when neede requires
for the use of the Colony & the Governor & Councell to see the Laws put in Execution.

4th They are to have freedom from Custom in England for all Wine, fruite, Currancey
Almonds, Oyle, Olives, & Sylk they can produce, for seaven years to comence
when 4 tun of those Comoditys are at once imported in one ship.

5 Every Man & Woman that transport themselves before the 24 June next being 1667
shall have for himselfe his wife & each of his children & every man servant he
shall bring armed with a firelock or machlock musket statue bore with 10 pouder
20 of bullett; 100 akers of land to each of them, to him and his heirs for Ever
the paying for every 1000 akers[to] perform to the Lolds for an acknowledgement, & for
Every woman servant & slave 50 akers.

6 Every Servant at the Expiration of their service (which is 4 years) are to have the
same quantity of land for him or herself, that their master had for their bringing
over & on the same conditions, allso the Master is bound to give them two suits of
apparell & a set of tools to work which when he is out of his time

If any desire to transport themselves thether, or servants desire to be entertained
they may take the Oportunity of the Virginia Fleet &from thence finde finde easy passage
thether it being but 3 or 4 dayes sayle; & if they desire farther advise or infor-
mation let them repaire to the

Page 2 of 19

New Plantation at
Cape Florida

Page 3 of 19

Provisions for 48 men 3 months
outward bound allowing 50 beefe dayes with
Luding, & Lease, 20 dayes for Porks & pease{?} & 20 dayes
Stock fish with Oyle or buttor, to sach quartered go:
21:1:20 Loose at 1 a man per did at 31 per
6:1: 20 Pork at 3 to a mess per did at 31per
28:3:20 [Lervad] at 3/4 a man per did at 17
240 Stock Fish at 1 to a mess per did
10: 2 20 Flowor at 1/2 a man per did
33: 6 [Pease ] at 1/2 pint a man per did 90 days
2 2 : 20 Lay Sons at 1/2 mess per did 50d:
15 gall: Oyle at 1/2 pint to said mess per did 20d
1 Firkin of butter

Page 4 of 19

An Accompt of what mast a Shipp of 300 Tunns may bring
from Carolina to London and what they may be worth heere-

10 Mast of 76 foot long 29 inch diameter — at 24 each – 240:00
6 Mast of 72 foot long 24 inch diameter — at 20 each – 120: 00
10 Mast of 70 foot long 21 inch diameter — at 9 each — . 90:00
10 Mast of 60 foot long 19 inch diameter — at 6 each — . 60: 00
15 Mast of 65 foot long 16 inch diameter – at 4 : 10 each . 72: 00
9 Mast of 60 foot long 13 inch diameter – – at 2: 10 each . 22: 10

150 speenes of 55 foot long; bewteen 7 & 9 [{mites?}]} – – – – .22:00
diameter at 8 per peere }

Pipe staves, Ceder plank, Boords, [Lanees], or such other}
goods as shall be thought convenient to fill up the ship} 200:00
with per estimate —————————————————-}
[{~}]26: 10

Page 5 of 19


Page 6 of 19

Provissions for 48 men, 3 months at 28 dayes to
the month; allowing 12 beefe & pease dayes with puddings
in each month. Eight porks & pease dayes in each month
& Eight Butter & Cheese dayes with pease in each month

Pease 3 1/2bushat 1/2 a pint each man, every day at 5 per bushles 7 : 17: 6
Beefe 1728 is 1 a man per did 36 beefe dayes at 30 per is 23: 2: 10
Porke 1152 is 1 a man per did 24 dayes at 30 per is 15: 8: 7
Flower 864 as 1/2 a man per did 36 dayes; [vad] 20 per -7 14: -3
Butter 144 at 1/2 each mess per did 24 dayes
Cheese 288 at 1 each mess per did 24 dayes; Sufflk 25 per 3- 4 : 3
Laisons 216 at 1/2 each mess per didr. 36 dayes; 28 per -2:14:00
[Lervad] 30>2 at 1 per man per didm 84 dayes, at 17 per is £ 23: 06: 00
[Laeene] at 3 pints a man per did comp to 6 tun in 84 dayes; but } 8:00:00
we send but 4 tun at 40 per tun – . . . . . . . .}
2 bushell [latmeall] for sick men . . . . . . . . . – 0: 12: 00
{94:09:5} Nutmegs Cinamon & other Spices Sugar: &c – – – – – – – 2: 16: 00

Page 7 of 19

17: 10: 0 [brecedr?]
36: 5: 0 Smith
20: 6: 0 Mealman
20: 15: 0 Baker
20: 00: 0 butcher
164: 16: 0

Page 8 of 19

Inches Measure of Length Inches
1 yard————-36
1 Perch————-198 […] 1 Aske or 10 Bets — 39200
1 Furlong———-7920[…] 1 Bet or 10 Cads— 3020
1 Mile——— 63360 […]1 Cad or 10 Droms — 39 –
[…]Esq or 1/10 Drom
[…]1 Drom——- 39.2
[…]1 Ep or 1/10 Drom—- 3.92
[…]1 For or 1/10 Ep
[…]1 Gry or 1/10 Fer.
[…]Measures of Superficies. Square Inches
Square Inches
1 Acre————–6272640 […] 1 Acre Carolin or 4 Hords– 6146560
1 Rood ———–1568160 […] 1 Hord or 1000 sq. Droms 1536640
1 Perch sq ————- 39204 […] 1 Ior or 100 sq. Droms– 153664
[…]1 Keg or 10 sq. Droms- 15366.14
[…]1 Lar: or 1 sq Drom– 1536.64
[…]1 Mete or 1 sq. Ep——- 15.3664
[…]Measures of Solids
Cubic Inches[…] Cublic Inches
1 Wine Quart———57.75 […]1 Nog or 10 Orps—– 60236.288
1 Wine Gallon—–231. […] 1 Orp or 10 Plins—–6023.6288
1 Ale Quart — 70.15 […]1 Plin or 10 Quarts— 6021.36288
1 Firkin of Ale—- 2256. […] 1 Quart Carolin Cubic Ep —- 602.136288
1 Firkin of Beer—- 2256. […] 1 Rill or 1/10 Quart
1 Kild or kin —- 4512 […] 1 Sup or 1/10 Rill
1 Barrell beer —- 10152.
1 Tierce of wine —– 9702
1 Hoghead of wine—- 14558
1 Pipe or but —– 28116
1 Tun of wine —- 56232.
1 Puck—– 564
1 Bushell ——– 2256
1 Quarter ————– 18048

Page 9 of 19

[Wagat; ]
[…]Parhem Quetall Rubble & Sedser. Grains
Penny weight— 24[…] 1 Tool ie one Pound Troy 5760
Ounce—- 48 […] 1 Ven ie 1/10 Toll —- 576
1 Pound Frey—- 5760. […] 1 Wap ie 1/10 Toll Ven —- 5716
[…]1 Xan ie1/10 Wap — 5176
[…]yar 1 yale ie 1/10 Xan —- a litter more then 1/2 gr.
[…]1 il ie 1/10 yar —-a litter more than 1/20 gr:
1 Pound Sterling– 1920 […] 1 Pound——–1920
1 Shilling— 96 […] 1 Carolin——- 192
1 Penny—8 […] 1 Double—– 19.2
1 Farthing—-2 […] 1 Farthing———- 2 [houtin? ]

Page 10 of 19

Soe that
1 Aste to 1 Mile is as 39200 to 63360 [IE a […]half]
1 Acre Carolin is to 1 Acre }
English as } 48 to 49 IE ——–1/49[ lesse.]
1 Quart Carolin to a – -}
wine quart Engl as } 10000 to 9587 IE – a little biger
1 Quart Carolin to an } 10700 to 11703 I.E – a little lesse
Ale quart Engl as }
1 Plin is to a peck as 602 to 5[6]4 I.E. a little bigere.
1 Orp to a Kilderkin as 6023 to 4512
1 Orp to a Barrell of Ale as 6023 to 9[0]24 I.E. 1/3 lesse
1 Nog to a Tun of Wine as 60236 to 56232.
1 Wap to 1 ounce as —– 57. to 48
1 Carolin to 1 Shilling of 192 to 96 IE ——–1 vst double
1 Double to 1 Penny of 19 to 8 IE. —– 1/10 more then double
1 Farthing Canlir to } – 10 to 20 [IE]———- Less
a farthing Eng as }

Page 11 of 19

Measures & weights

Page 12 of 19

Right Honerable
The Government Chosen for an Assembly, for the County in Clarendon in Carolina, upon [axeru?]
and Consideration had of your Honorable Charters and Concessions to f the said County, did supply
rate for a Redresse Cheafely in three things, as to [Greciouse?] to bee required of them./
1. The halfe penny per Acre for all Lands.
2. The underum all way of decision of there lands.
3. The [Jucinson?], on penaltye of forfiture, of Keepeing one man on every hundred Acres.
They Added these Reaforms; vizt.

1. To the first , that in all their lands, where or howsoever to been [weight?], theirs are of these three
Locter vizt. Price Swamp & Marsh, which make up much the the greater part of theire
proportions: and are yet soe wholy unproffitable, that to paye a halfe penny per acre [f]or
them. is weare them those [wallero?]; wherefore they did Signifie there Redresse, that those
lands, what propo[rt]ion what soever they beare to the good Oake Land; should bee
Accounted to them as soe many Acres, they {?} Rent {?} but not as to paye the said Rent
by those Acres, they ware Rather willing to paye a greater Rent for what acres of Oake
land they should posses soe as they might bee oxan led the paying rent for the Rest; and
and did propose it as an Expedient to paye one penny per acre Annually for all
the oake land in there respective Tracts as the Rent due for the whole: and that the
Honorable Survay in Bounding out there lands should Certifie in portion lew the quan-
titye of oake land according to which the Rent should bee Resarwed in the deede of Conferinfation
for lande; They Enforced this with a Complaint, that it was sussisiently Grevious to them
after soe Chargable and hazardous an Adventure, to which they ware onely in to [ciridgee]
by the Consideracon of Such Quantityes of Land, to be Constrained to accept of land
soe wholy un[?]sefull, and which did soe much in comode every i[ncanesectle] event:
and there fore they hoped your Honorable would not add this burthen to there sadd

2 To the second, that they arived here the most of them beefore the Conssecione ware
for a ened and had there lands assigned to them by Certaine [nidate] & bounds on
which they have planted and bilt; that therefore so have those lands now Cast
into such a way of so is as the Conssesious doe Contrine, and the [sendesimale] part
Reserned for the [i [Constable?]] will Certainly alter all those bounds and [Receroud] every
[neare?] possesion, which Cannot but bee a Ruine to Most; nor doe they see how this
waye of allotments Can bee practised in the Future, at least soe as to bee any benifit
to your Honor, for the good land lying soe widely dispersed what is alredy to Ren up though
but halfe the proportion deed to each per son, runne to an extent of at least three store in les soe
that what is to take up will lye soe Remote from all [Coune in ducyes?] that it Cannot advantage
your Honor to have an [eleccouth] part at that distance; and indeed that kinde of [Inition] appointed
by the Concessions is not at all practicable heare, because the good lands doe noe where
lye soe Contiguous, nor soe in any place, as legually to Accomodate the whole General list;
And every great [misohife] it would bee to any whose lott shall fall where there is not afoote
plantable; they did expresse agreate desire that Somwhat might be offered to your Honor
in [Ballere] of this and [bocouall] part, but finding nothing heare really worth the
[elccextaure], they durst rather bee silent then propose any Ignoble Compensation

3 To the third, hading all redy declared soe Fully the nature of the lands in this Couny
they thought it unnessesary to Multiply reasons against the keeping aman on every
hundred Acres it being evident from what is said that in every many places it
hundred acres would not Maintaine one man./

There Concurance in a humble maner desired in a peticon to your Honor for a
release from these reall p[…]essures. They Certainly Knowing all this to be truely
soe as it is removes [twised], ware the [redier] to Joine in per wayere soe Rationall and soe
nessesary, and therefore which one harte and [wothe ] [knee?] the Governor Councell &
assembly, or prepresentative, for the County of Clarendon in Carolina, doe humbly
beseech your Honorable to take the [permisoe] into your Serious Consideracon and to releive
us according to the true merritts of our Cause

May it Please your Lordships.
This humble address as it is above written was [presoaced] with the allowance and Consent
of the Honorble Sir John Yoamons Baronnet, Lt. [Geketh?] under the Lordshipps of this Proncint

Page 13 of 19

at Such time as hee was heare with us and presided in our Councells; who at first gave us all the
appearances of his purpose to Joyne with us [fin] the subscription thereof. But when it was engrossed
and presented to him to bee signed, he made this answer, that his First hew thoughts had [discoure]
unto him an absurdity in owneing under his hand so perticuler a knowlidge of the soile in
this County into which hee was but newly Come, and that there fore hee did [Concedired ] it might give
a better reputacon to our Cause if hee did exempt himselfe from the Generall Address; he added, that
his [intiliating] to your Lordshipp; […] his [peruiate] letter, the full Sattisfacon hee had [recd] with in
himselfe of the [Grevis usnesand […] wasticablen] as of those three Juntcions expetially, would
Stronglier in [forae] our Argum[en]ts to your Lordships, and more advantage the Accoptance
of our prayers, then his appearing Jointly with us; and soe hee left us, with Suffisient
[Juroridgment] to proceed with our peticon by our selves & with our hopes enlarged that
Though hee labored not openly with us, hee would [?] labor more effectually for us;
This therefore and upon these Grounds wee doe presume Right Honorable to press into
your presents; and being now heare doe in all humility offer these Further to the Noble

1 That when all the fame of this province was lo[…] in that black Cloud of Reproche[…] which
a party of the first new england [?] Adventures had wrapd the whole Co[unt]ry
in , and noe mans ears or mouth or hand, was open to heare or Speake or Act in her
[defoucs?], wee thou from no other insitent but the Glory of that venture whichis made
for Publick advantage, did by a vollentary and full Contrybution, dispell those
[miste] off Srand all, and revive a lusture bright enough to direct and prov[?] to a seirure
by [cudanes] of which depense the Lordships have the possesion of a part, which way bee
improved to a seminary for the whole province, if the discouridgment from without
the place prove not [ulore] fatall then those within it; neither Can wee thinks this
[seirceis] really performed for the Lordships, inferior to that which is but providsed;
nor is it a friendly agreement that beecause wee have setled, in a worse part of the Cuntry
wee [ninst] have the worse Conditions, Since therefore those whome wee Credited
as the Lordships plenipotentiarys in Barbados ware pleased soe well to Consider of the success
of these our Contrybutions, as in the Lordships names to promise us five hundred Acres [?]
of land, and soe proportionably, for every 1000 of sugar wee hade depended on that second
[descondry], without which (wee can make it plainly appeared) though all else was Ready the
designe had yet fallen, since alsoe til most Certaine that if port Royall bee[ en ew] presented
which powerfull in [sitatione] to a [lulture] it will be from the consequence of those our
[fe x er ] [nececcerary] disburses, wee hope it will not be offensive to the Lordships that we [deperate]
apunishment upon our misfortunes, and beg to have that Confermed to us, not withstanding
our ill suceses, which was granted as the prize of our vigerouse Crowding in to the Lordships
servis, through all the obsticles that Mallice or Conterary pollicies Could obiect.

2 That those nombers of the Carolina Adventures who made the seperacon, & interupted that treaty
which wee had Consented which your Lordships, presenting defferent proposalls and accepting other
Conditions, ware such as had the whole bent of shere affections towards port Royall, and never,
purposed further to second there [diccerted] adventures on this County of Clarendon then
[might Couduce] to the establishing them an interest in the County of [Carawen]
[whole eenig ] now, by the sa Callamity which fell on [SwJno] yeamons, disappointedin there expectations
there, are nessesarily discouridged proseeding heare: & [enideare] the same not onely by a silent
[discontinewante], but alsoe by a Clamerous drawing off; those againe on the other side, who ware
determinate for this County, being stopd in there Carreare by these unexported [Coucessing]
have remayned at assaye ever since, with too much Appearance of never [relictlyning] there
motion this way. Thus is there an approching loss to all Concerned, to the King and
nation loss of dominion & trade, to your Lordships loss of the [naere] & Honorable of Enlarging
both these, to the Adventures loss of many & hopes, increased in us that are hereby
the loss of our whole substance; and all this unavoidably, unles your Honorable, by [redintegrating]
that treaty which the Honorable once desended to with us, and in us with the [adeven suff.] of
[ouls ]& new England, and by granting us those previlidges with you ware once not
very far from granting us; Renew (which nery probably you will) the [Actuneuity] of
such, who Can trample on all other [diffirullyes], when Supported by the b that which they
[opinion ]Fredome; the Ruine with which [oxen] mouth [attenesus], while beeing [desarted]
by all, wee are utterly disabled either to proceed or to retire, enforceth us to this ernest
noe; yet ware wee the onely partyes in this Cause wee should approch with much le[…]
[bonedous], but now wee sue your Lordships behalves also; that your Possesion of these
provincemaye not bee utterly lost, and with it all the hopes of ever [subiecting] it […]
an English Government Wee are
Your Lordships Most Humble Sarvents
[?] Nevinson Glett Cares Tho Clifton Hermsraf. Sall
Robert Ryibble William Yrir R. Sandford.
John Knight Harry Brayner
Lithard Whittney Sam Slaks Ahomus Griffes. Hinnyn. Daurnjiorfs
John Btenths

Page 14 of 19


Page 15 of 19

Allthough I have writt severall times to you both by way
of Barbados, & Virginia, and by Mr Portman who latly went
from [henes] by way of Bermuda, in the Ship Blessing, yett
I could not omitt this opportunity to present you with this
my humble seruis, & to Intreat your Assistance by Impertuning
the Earls of Shafts Bury, to hasten a Ship from England, with
More People, & Supplyes of Cloathing, and tools, &c. for the
People and not able to Subsist long without they are supplyd
by your Lords Proprietors end there is nothing butt the [Scts Prop:]
Assistance can [profecue] the settlement from falling, which in
time I am Confident will Come to something, and If timely
Supplyed will Answer Every mans Expectations of it and
For the Advantage of healthfullness, & pleasantness, I beleave
noe plantation [seuled] by the English in America doth aford
the Sike, and If no ware butt Ones stucked with Cattle, that we [make?]
plentyfull Place, I suppose [uefore?] the you have heard of
our Extream wants of provisions this year, which now God
be praised we have Allmost [oueriome], for about a Monthe
hence we shall have Corne Enough of our owne Growth,
& hope we shall never fear […]anting Indian[…]nd againe,
For this want will doe much good in the Countrey, by toach-
ing people to be better Husbands, and more Industrous,
For the Futter, and not depend any more uppon supply;
Butt I being Straightned for want of time, I shall Refer
you to the Report of the Barer Mr Miler Man; who I hope will
truly Informe you of all things here noething Else I am

Sir your Most humble Servant
to Command
Joseph Well

Charles Towen one Ashly river
June 28th (73

Page 16 of 19

[Ag. John Luke Esquire at
Litte Exetper Karsa
J?l LS and
S? ent.]


Page 17 of 19

The […] up their [pureninides] of you All so
doe sue […] need fully there [while?] if you doe
the sore […] pleas […] And there will Add, Unto you
[d??][…]cane [eud?] the Greatness of his Mercy
and Tr […] will F[…]in this your Country,
Alwayes [inded] that Tr use in [?] have […] Rule, Butt
when we at kodness bee [as?] Qule His Right […][ Freed?].
Mourne, wherefore Consider what […] [?]
of them, that have been the patient S[…] [?] a [Se?]
in the behalfe of [?] the prosperity of his [Tarite?], and there
[upeatee?][…][?]this your Count[try?], whose [Suies?], and
[Effahe?][…][ nen so snd?] Spayler, and they them [seh?]
are [?][…] [ade? ] rey Upon, If the [Qoud?], put no […]
an end [?] to.

These [?][…] of God}
who are in […] called Quakers} The 13th day of the
whose na[…] cor under written} 7th Moneth 1679
Charles […] John Hunt Isack Page
Guamn[…] William […] Henry White
Christoph[…]son George […] Arnold White
John […]Jonathan […] thy Meads
Stenon Pancock William Bundey […] [?]
William Wayt Joseph Scott […]
Henry prows John Pear […]

These may give h[…]nd [sufland?] that [mape?] of us whose [Kanies?]
are herec[…]to, subje[…] bed, have been Inhabitants, in Caroli[…]
Since the yeares, 1663: and [ibby].

wee doe declayre & A [Gerr?] that the A boud[…] Serib[…]
Comonly Called quakers did cause this Remonstr[nce] to bee[…]
drawn In order to [ythe?] presentment to the Lords Proprieters[…]
did also assig[…] this is for a Trouth Given [Render oer] ha[…]
this [oath?] Jep[…] [sarnes?] [?ill] Deputy to the Duke of [Alhenon?]
[Samuel?] Sriggs Deputy for the Right Honorable the […]
of Crauen

Page 18 of 19

This […] Cooper, And the Rest of your [prepre?]
of […]
[Creeffed? ] […] who a […] [scose?] Called Quakers, are made
willing […] of there [?] & our [Innocenty], and to [Inso?]
you that […] , and are […] enacted people, and have [sloe?]
His County of[ essbem?], As will Appeare [?] was Acted in
[Hidely?] [erare?] [ibyy?].

Thomas Miller Arriving here [aboseto?] the [?] Moneth with Com-
missions, and [Deputa?] from you [sea?], [proprietors?] And Thomas Epyf-
Churre[…]ssionated [?] of this County, To settle I […]
in order […] said Thomas Miller was[ Qardined?] as preside[…]
by this […]this [Cor?] who did signifie their Allegiance
an Oath […] [?] to you the proprietors, and [Subsisted?]
to the p[…] Established, And wee whom the [?][…]
In storn[…]Qu[…]IE be the same, And nott Since after, m[…]
[prosidonc?] hee [mire of Garr?] Deputies Against [?]

Page 19 of 19

[Transcription in progress.]

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