Apr 30, 2020 | 17th Century, England, Pamphlet, Transcription
A Response to Filmer Algernon Sidney – Discourses Concerning Government Excerpts (1680-1683) Like many writers of the time, Sidney participated in the intense debates surrounding the proper extent of monarchial power. This work was perhaps his most well known,...Apr 30, 2020 | 17th Century, Book, England, Transcription
Finding Sedition Roger L’Estrange Considerations and Proposals In Order to the Regulation of the Press (1663) L’Estrange was a tireless defender of the monarchy, Charles II in particular. He would eventually be rewarded for his loyalty, and be tasked with...Apr 30, 2020 | 17th Century, Book, England, Transcription
Morgan Godwyn Morgan Godwyn – Trade Preferred Before Religion (1685) During a time of increased prosecutions of those who spoke against the monarchy, one Anglican minister took to the pulpit to denounce not just the concentration of power by the kings of...Apr 30, 2020 | 17th Century, England, Essay, Transcription
John Locke John Locke – An Essay on Reputation (1678) Locke was a prolific writer. Many of his works are familiar to many, even if by name only. This essay, however, stands as one of Locke’s lesser known writings. Yet, it speaks to how people can hold...Apr 30, 2020 | 17th Century, England, Law, Transcription
“Produce the Body” Habeas Corpus Act of 1679 With Charles II increasingly concentrating power in the hands of the monarchy, and English liberties seemingly at risk at every turn, Parliament takes the step to enshrine the right to the writ of habeas corpus...Apr 30, 2020 | 17th Century, England, Legal Case, Transcription
reMaking Slavery in the courts Butts v. Penny(1677) A foundational English Common Law case that defined slavery in England and its empire in the Americas, and to create mechanisms to enforce ownership and recover debts related to slave sales. It literally redefined...