Abner Woolman
Abner Woolman’s Journal
Abner Woolman (1724–1771) was the brother of iconic eighteenth-century Quaker abolitionist and missionary John Woolman. Abner Woolman’s journal is an insightful example of how an ordinary Quaker—not a major leader in the Society of Friends or a famous Quaker author—might engage with the religious and political currents of the time.
Abner Woolman (1724–1771) was the brother of iconic eighteenth-century Quaker abolitionist and missionary John Woolman. In contrast to his widely traveled brother, Abner Woolman lived a sedate life in New Jersey. A longtime tuberculosis patient, Abner often relied on John’s financial assistance to get by. Nonetheless, Abner married, raised a family, and produced a small collection of writings about slavery, Quakerism, and the British Empire. After Abner’s death, John revised his brother’s papers and shared the manuscript with Quaker peers in the Philadelphia Meeting for Sufferings. Although some historians downplay the uniqueness of the Abner manuscript or argue that John substantially wrote the manuscript, others recognize Abner’s authorship and feel that the manuscript warrants attention. I will advance the latter view in this introduction.
Despite having little formal education, Abner produced a sophisticated body of work that blended religious and political discourse to reflect on colonial American life. Like his brother John, Abner emphasized the importance of individual conduct, not collective reform movements. This meant that they prioritized individuals choosing to liberate enslaved people or boycott goods produced in the slave trade, as opposed to calling for immediate universal abolition or mass boycotts. Abner briefly inherited two enslaved men, Anthony and James, from his late father-in-law, and although Abner apparently freed both men, his writings emphasize the challenge that owning slaves posed to his soul more than the hardships Anthony and James faced. Yet Abner’s manuscript contains empathetic descriptions of the cruelty of slavery, with Abner ultimately writing, “Were wee senceably to pass through all this, then the Case of Slaves I believe to many of us, would apear very different from what it now doth….” The manuscript also conveys Abner’s thoughts on pacifism (he took a stronger position on refusing to quarter troops or pay war taxes than John did), converting Native Americans to Christianity, temperance, and maintaining an ethical Quaker household.
The journal of Abner Woolman is an insightful example of how an ordinary Quaker—not a major leader in the Society of Friends or a famous Quaker author—might engage with the religious and political currents of the time.
Note: The preceding introduction draws on Gorman’s article “Abner Woolman’s Colonial World” from the fall 2018 issue of Quaker History.
Daniel Gorman Jr.
Further reading
Abner Woolman (1724–1771)
- Based on John & Elizabeth (Borton) Woolman descendants. Published by the John Woolman Memorial Association in 1997. Wikitree.
- “Abner Woolman.” In Quaker Biographical Sketches of Ministers and Elders, and Other Concerned Members of the Yearly Meeting of Philadelphia [1682–1800], edited by Willard Heiss. Indianapolis: s.n., 1972. See Discover HSP and FamilySearch for more information. Copy available in the “Abner Woolman” entry in Rash’s Surname Index (formerly titled The Pennocks of Primitive Hall), last modified July 7, 2020. Web Archive Link.
- Cadbury, Henry J. “A Woolman Manuscript.” Quaker History 57, no. 1 (Spring 1968): 35–41. DOI: 10.1353/qkh.1968.0002.
- Gorman, Daniel, Jr. “Abner Woolman’s Colonial World: Quaker Politics and Literature Before the American Revolution.” Quaker History 107, no. 2 (Fall 2018): 19–61. JSTOR Link.
- ———. “Notes on Abner Woolman.” Quaker History 111, no. 2 (2022): 30–. DOI: 10.1353/qkh.2022.0011.
- Hammond, Mercy Griffith. “Peace and Arbitration.” In Proceedings of the Friends’ General Conference—First-Day School, Philanthropic, Educational, Religious—Held at Richmond, Indiana, 1898, 203–9. Philadelphia: Friends’ Intelligencer Association Ltd., 1898. Google Books Link.
- Holcomb, Julie L. “A Debate about the Genre and Authorship of an Eighteenth-Century Document.” Quaker History 111, no. 2 (2022): 25–29. DOI: 10.1353/qkh.2022.0010.
- ———. Moral Commerce: Quakers and the Transatlantic Boycott of the Slave Labor Economy. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2016.
- Kershner, Jon R. John Woolman and the Government of Christ: A Colonial Quaker’s Vision for the British Atlantic World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018.
- Plank, Geoffrey Gilbert. John Woolman’s Path to the Peaceable Kingdom: A Quaker in the British Empire. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012.
- Proud, James. “Abner Woolman’s Written ‘Legacy’ to His Children: A Reply to Daniel Gorman Jr.’s Abner Woolman’s Colonial World.” Quaker History 108, no. 2 (2019): 1–22. DOI: 10.1353/qkh.2019.0000.
- ———. “The Historical Quest: Regarding the Deaths of Abner and of John Woolman.” Quaker History 111, no. 2 (2022): 41–61. DOI: 10.1353/qkh.2022.0012.
- ———, ed. John Woolman and the Affairs of Truth: The Journalist’s Essays, Epistles, and Ephemera. San Francisco: Inner Light Books, 2010.
- Slaughter, Thomas P. The Beautiful Soul of John Woolman, Apostle of Abolition. New York: Hill and Wang, 2008.
- Soderlund, Jean R. Quakers & Slavery: A Divided Spirit. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985.
- Woolman, Abner. Abner Woolman’s Journal. Edited by John Woolman. Manuscript collection 1250 B5.1 1772 15a, Haverford College Quaker and Special Collections, Haverford, PA. Triptych: Tri-College Digital Library, Quakers and Slavery Collection. Triptych Link.
- ———. “Extracts from Writings of Abner Woolman, Addressed to His Children.” In Friends’ Intelligencer United with the Friends’ Journal (Philadelphia), vol. 14, no. 691, [April 24?], 1886: 259–60. Google Books Link.
- Woolman, Abner. Abner Woolman’s Journal, edited by John Woolman. Manuscript collection 1250 B5.1 1772 15a, Haverford College Quaker and Special Collections, Haverford, PA. Triptych: Tri-College Digital Library, Quakers and Slavery Collection. Accessed September 21, 2015.
- This transcription was originally produced for the TriCollege Libraries (Bryn Mawr College/Haverford College/Swarthmore College) Digital Collections, and was revised by Daniel Gorman Jr., Dylan Bails, and Michael Becker.
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To the meeting for Sufferings to be held at Philada
Beloved friends, About three months before
the decease of my brother Abner, he exprest in my
hearing a desire that a piece he had wrote, concerning
trading to the west indies, might be handed about
amongst friends at Wilmington. And near
his departure, having had a particular desire to
speak to me, he then told me that he felt a desire,
that a piece he had written, directed to the active
me[mb]ers of burlington monthly meeting; which
he had handed about to a considerable number,
might be continued to be handed about amongst
friends of said meeting.
This trust, thus laid on me, hath been attended with
some exercise of mind, under which I have believed
it best for me to offer the said pieces to the consideration
of the meeting for sufferings; And have also collected
the substance, of sundry short chapters, part

part from a stitched book, and part from
loose papers which I found in said book, and
propose to send them herewith.
The original papers in his hand writing
I have by me, and am free to send, or bring
them, if the meeting for Sufferings desire it.
from your loving frd John Woolman

To the Active Members of Burlington
monthly Meeting, Dear Friends, the
unhappy Case of the Slaves for Some
years at times hath been Liveingly
on my mind, & were the weight of their
Sufferings laid upon us, were wee
fully acquainted with all the pain-
ful thoughts Connected with Slavery,
Saw our minority Spent without being
acquainted with the Scripture, that
at full age wee felt our Selves in a
State of Slavery, & knew of no Crime
wee had Commited, or agreement made
by us, that were the Cause of it
nor Cald our masters give us any

Satisfactory reason why they keept
us as Slaves, that wee Saw people in
general take but little notice of us,
and when wee heard of any Pleading
for our Liberty, they were after advised
not to Carry it too far, that the Law
is Such as makes it difficul to Set
the negroes free, that when wee incline
to marry, wee Consider Slavery
entailed on our ofSpring, that from
year to year wee observed that the
family wee laboured for, were often
paying visits to their friends, y
& their friends returning visits
to them, & wee as inferiours Comanded [words
scratched out] to wate upon them,

that in Sickness wee had no body to
Call upon, but those who Considered
themselves as our Superiours, &
Sometimes felt our selves Suffering
for want of Careful tender nurs-
ing, that Some of us had not
been permited to Live with our
wives & Children, & now in the
decline of life, Saw them in a helpless
Condition, heard their Complaints
but were not able to relieve them,
from one year to another find our
apetite & Strength to fail, & hath
nothing at Comand to help our
Selves with, at length thro ag[e] & weakness, become

unable to labour, & Considered by those
who have the Care of us, as a Charge
to their Estates, & feel the warmth of
nature very mutch to abate,
yet in Cold winter nights are o-
blige to Lie by our Selves, often
feel ourselves Chilly & thinking on
our own unhappy Condition, joynd
with that of our Children, desire to
Sleep but Cannot,
were wee Senceably to pass through
all this, then the Case of Slaves
I believe to many of us, would apear
very different from what it now
Last Spring was three year a
Sorrowful Exercis Came upon me,

which continued Some months / Small
entervals excepted / Concerning Slaves
& those who keep them, in the forepart
of this exercise, it opened in my mind,
that their was Estats in the jerseys
& Pensilvania, that were advanced
by Slaves, but the Scale were now
on a turn, that in future those in
these two Provinces, who keep them
with a desire of profit & ease, in the general
would be disapointed, & pass through
great difficulties which other wise
they might been Clear of. In the latter
part of this exercise I became Settled in my
mind, that if those whoes Estats were

advanced by the Labour of Slaves,
would give up freely to have the Case exam-
ined, & Equity put in practice & Con-
tinue in that mind, It would be
pleasing to providence & add to
their happiness even in this Life,
Now my Beloved Friends, I am more
& more Settled in a beleif, that the Lord
is acquainted with all our ways, &
is of pureer Eyes then to behold
Iniquity with the least degree of
Aprobation, that at this present
time their is negroes amongst us,
who have monies justly due to
them, from members of our monthly

Meeting, & I feel a tender desire
that wee may Unite togather in
Christian Love, & weightily Consider
whether it is not needful, that their
Case should be examined to the
bottom with out parciallity or re-
spect of person, in order that jus-
tice may be done to those, who as
Slaves have laboured among us.
from your
Loveing Friend Abner Woolman
mo 9th 1770


it hath Some times Come in my mind that the
great trade which the americans have to the
Sumer Islands hath not been fully Considered
even by men who are Desireous to Live Clear
from any Conection with opretion they produce
which wee Send their is Chiefly flower & pork and
in raising & gathering of this how often do wee See
Creatures & Sometimes men Opressed the returns
which wee have is Chiefly rum Sugar & molasses
and it often hath been as a querie in my mind
Is rum as its used by us of any real Service to
the Inhabatants of america[…]how often
do wee See people deprived of their reason

by drinking too freely of it and many have
So far given way to it that it hath been the
Cause of their own & their families poverty and that which is more dreadful it unfits the Soul
for that glorious kingdom prepaired for the righteous from the foundation of the world wee may further Consider that the returns
which wee have from these Islands is Chefly
the Labour of Slaves and that those Slaves
are often Opressed and through Opretion
they have been Vexed & raised in oposition
to the white people[…]and after those Slaves
have been Subdued Some of them by the
white people have been burnt to death
and others hung up in irons till they
have Starved to death all this barbarity

and agreat deal more is done to a people who
were placed in apart of the world not in a
Condition able to disturbe us but the English
nation hath by force boldly taken those people
from their native Land from all their dearest
Enjoyments and Used them as above expressd
now the cry of David Comes before
me Search me O God and is not a deep
imparcial Search needful for every one
of us Search me O God & give me to
understand & obay that which is right 2Reference to Psalm 139 of the Bible, in which David affirms God’s knowledge of him and asks God to examine his heart for sins.
do I Stand Clear from any Conection
with the above Opretion or hath my

Example in trading with those Opressers
made their hearts more hard & is Some
means of having the Opretion of the
Opressed Continued
the blessing which Providence hath bestowed
upon the Children of men are numberless if
wee look on the face of the earth wee may
See great Varity of pleasant healthful fruits
& the innumerable Sort of plants & herbs
which in the beginning, the Great Creator
of the whole Universe Defined man in a State
of innocency Should Subsist on but
alass by giveing way to Selfish desires

how is he degenerated & allenated from
his maker and in this dark falln State
what Vast havoc doth he make with
the Creation[…]what numberliss numbers
of Anamals are Opressed and Destroyed
by man and how oft doth men opress and
aflict Each other O my Soul think on
the above hints, and in deep humility Strive
daily to Experence a returning to thy
Maker and a Liveing in the Same In-
nocency & uprightness which man in
the begining was Created in

There is a Spirit which if men give way
to, will humble & Calm the mind, and make
man which is frail by nature, Content with
that which is only useful, and I beleve if
this Divine Gift is Strictly attended to, it
will apear and prevail more & more till
the Opressed goes free, and the Voice of the
Opresser Shall no more be heard in the

Some writings left by Abner Woolman
My dear children, the following lines were wrote
in tenderness, and the chief part of them in the
night, when you my dear children were asleep
Some of you are sensible in some measure
of those afflictions which have for a number of years
attended me in a state of bodily weakness; and my
gracious God was pleased often in the night season,
to touch my heart with his Love, and sometimes
matter arose fresh in my mind, which I believed
it my duty to write, and have found satisfaction in
writing it, now a little, and then a little, for
whose sake I know not, but am easie to leave it
to you as a legacy, and desire that you may read
it in the same Spirit in which it was wrote.

Chap I I believe it may be useful to make
some mention of the dealings of the Lord with
me in my youth, who often reproved me for
sin and folly, and caused me to walk mourn-
fully, when as yet I knew not what it was
which thus affected my mind; but after
some time I became more acquainted with
his ways, which were pleasent, and I was
made willing to forsake the pleasures of sin,
for the sake of his favour, which to me was
very precious.[…]And I being then an
apprentice, was exposed to vain company,
which was a burden to me, and I often in the
evenings, was alone in the fields, and other
places in prayer to God, who often favoured
me with comfortable oportunities. And
while I was upon my watch I found peace
of mind; but through carelessness I fell from
this good state and run again into folly, which
caused me great Sorrow. […]O that all may be

careful to watch over the vain desires of their
hearts, and be obedient to the voice of God in
their hearts, lest they perish in the dark howl-
ing wilderness, which I in some measure, then
was in, for I eat my bread with sorrow, and
often in the night my sleep went from me, and
I could take little or no delight in any thing,
for at times I was ready to dispair in my mind
of ever obtaining Salvation; but day and night
I cryed to the Lord, to look down upon me with
an eye of pitty, and have mercy on me, or I
should perish; and glory be to his great name
he was pleased to be gracious to me, and comfort
my heart in that needful time.

ought to have done by a holy life & conversation;
and he in his great goodness hath been pleased to
afflict me very sore, yet in judgment he hath
remembred mercy, and his kindness to me is
beyond expression. – 1760
Chap II I feel a desire to leave some
further hints of the favours and Mercies of
the Lord toward me, for he is the best master
that ever I served, and I am not able to set forth
his goodness to his servents, to the full. but I
entreat thee to strive daily to be his faithful
servent, and in faithfulness thou wilt be in
love with him, and the nigher thou draws to
him, the more thou will experience of his
goodness.[…]he will give thee peace and comfort
which thou wilt find more precious than any
outward enjoyment
Thou who art a stranger to him, O come
and taste of his goodness! why wilt thou
for a little worldly pleasure, miss of that great

and lasting Salvation which he hath appointed
for all those who love, and serve him.
Chap III I have been afflicted
from a lad upward, leaving my dear fathers
{2} house, and part of several summers, I worked
in the pines, beyond the inhabitants helping to building
Sawmills, often with vain company who were
disagreeable to me, which was a tryal so deep, that
I believe I did not mention it to any one for some
years.[…]My heart in comparison
was often like lead with sadness, yet I not being
fully subjected to the leadings of truth, did some
times endeavour to remove this sadness by myrth.
The ways of the Lord are deep, and he
often afflicts the children of men, that he may bring
them near to him.
O my Son! my daughter! while I remem-
ber the state I was then in, my heart is open
toward thee, and I feel desires that thou may
listen to one, who hath gained experience through
various exercises

In all thy troubles and distress, seek to feel
truth in thy inward parts, and there keep
peace; and in prosperity remember thy creator
with awfulness, and be obedient to his voice in
thy soul.
Chap IV Some things happened the latter
part of my apprenticeship, and soon after
I was free which were very afflicting, and
which most of my intimate friends are yet
strangers to. The Lord alone then knew
my distress, and heard my cry, when deeply
beset, and so hedged about, that had he not
had mercy upon me, I had been overwhelmed
in total Sorrow.[…] And after I was married
and had a family, I was so weakly that I could
work but little, and had no outward help,
but what I hired, and help being then scarce
and dear, I laboured under many difficulties,
and the world seemed to frown upon me,
then was I overwhelmed with troubles,

yet the Lord arose, the floods vanished and the
mountains disappeared, for I can truly say
that in my great Afflictions, these words did
often rise fresh in my mind with Joy. I Shall
yet see thy habitation O Lord! which I verily
believe was a favour to me from the Almighty
O that thee and I may humbly abide
under his protection! then in the most piercing
and trying times, when all outward help and
comfort doth vanish, there will be an anchor
to the Soul, with a belief that after the miseries
of this life are over, we shall enter into ever-
lasting rest
Chap V I feel love in my heart to all man-
kind, and in tenderness entreat to seek after divine
Love, the enjoyment whereof is our greatest
happiness; It is a hidden treasure, which the
carnal mind knows not of,
O forsake vanity and cleave to the Lord! for
their divine sweetness is to be found in inward
stilness, in waiting upon the Lord to appear

in thy heart as a Light to enlighten
thy dark understanding, to give thee to see
and taste of the glorious riches which he
hath in store for those who love and serve him
Chap VI In the Spring of the year
1760 as I stood near our door, I saw Soldiers
coming up the road, toward our house, at which
sight an awe came over me, I felt inwardly
weak, but felt earnest [illegible word] desire to be preserved faithful
Soon after several of them came to our
house, and wanted to buy cyder; but I not
feeling freedom to sell, nor give them any, they
went away; and soon after their captain and
doctor came, The captain asked me if I would
hire my light wagon to him to go as far as
cramberry; but I endeavoured to put him by.
Then he asked me if I could read, & shewed
me a press warrent, from their commander
in chief, to impower his officers to press waggons
and horses to help them on their march.
I told him that I looked upon the life of

a man to be precious, and could not consistent
with my religious principles do any thing to forward
them on their march.
The captain replied, you understand I have
{3} power to press; but I had rather have your
waggon and horses without pressing, for it
may be pressing them will make you angry.
I told him I believed it would not, however I
could in no wise consent to hire them, and if he
pressed them I could take no pay for them, as it
was on a religious principle that I was
against his having them.
In the forepart of this discourse the captain appeard
warm; but grew more pleasent, and then Solid,
and said that I differed from all other men that ever
he had conversed with, and as from a religious
principle I was not easie to help them on their
march, it was not easie to him to press my waggon
and horses, and so went a way on foot without
shewing any signs of resentment.–

after they were gone the love of my heavenly
Father was sweet to my Soul, and I was
thankful in my heart that I had been preserved
in a good degree of faithfulness.
Chap VII In the Eighth month 1760.
I went to the sea shore partly for my health
sake, and there was taken with a fit of my
old disorder the phthisie which was very afflict-
ing to me, but that which was heaviest of all,
was this, I felt destitue as to divine help, &
could not feel the comforter, and my belief
and trust in the Almighty was very weak
I believed that in times past I had
looked upon the visible part of the creation
in a degree of the same Light and power
in which it was made, but now it was
hid from me
I beheld with my outward eyes the rageing
of the great deep, which I had not seen before,
and on the Shore I saw great variety of Shells
curiously fashioned, which with many other
things do wonderfully shew forth the works

of divine providence to the mind under the
influence of the holy Spirit; but without this,
things appear almost natural, as they did
then to me,[…]In which state I mourned for
days together, and yet under this poor mournful
condition, I felt a concern to visit a certain
poor women who lived near where I made my
home, but being under discouragements I did
not feel my mind setled to go, till near the time
of seting of for home, and the exercise then grew
more and more heavy, and as I was inwardly
waiting on the Lord for help, this language
arose fresh in my mind, thou knowest not but
that for this service thou was brought here,
then I gave up, and went, and had a little
seasonable oportunity in a religious way which
was kindly taken by the woman, and I felt
easie in my mind, and so departed without
entering into any conversation on temporal
things, believing that where we go on busines
of this nature, much other conversation is hurtful

after this I returned home, and in an inward
thankfulness I shed tears of joy, being glad
that I was again brought back to my wife
and family, and in an inward sweetness lay
on my mind day after day.
Chap VIII In a few weeks after
the before mentioned Journay, I was at our
yearly meeting at burlington part of the time,
though weak in body, and the meeting was comfort-
able to me,[…]and one evening as I was return-
ing from meeting, the Love of God was exceeding
sweet to my Soul, then I endeavoured to ride alone,
and now I remembered the adverse state I which
I passed through at the Seashore, and in this Sweet
frame of Spirit it rose fresh in my mind, that Some
of the inhabitants near where I was, in that journey,
were in part in a like condition to that which I
passed through amongst them; but with this odds
that I did not see them mourning for want of God,
then in love to their Souls my secret prayer

was that they might taste of his goodness, and
know him to be a safe hideing place.
Chap IX .For some years past I have
{4} been thoughtful about the payment of money
which was made some time before to defray
military expences and now in the year 1758 was sinking
by a tax, and my exercise was at times very great
and I often looked round about and thought no
ones, state is like mine, neither did I know who
to converse with.[…] I often was alone endeavour-
ing to have my mind still, and after sometime
it looked most clear to decline paying the money
thus appointed to military uses, and when the
officer came to my house to demand it, I told
him that I was most easie to decline paying of
that tax. […]And the state I was in the night
following is at this time fresh in my mind.
In the evening I was weary and lay down

to sleep, and in the night I awoke and thought
of the State which Jacob was in, with greater
clearness than ever I had before, when he left
his Fathers house, and was traveling from his
acquaintance, and native land, and on the way
the God of his fathers appeared to him in a dream
which gave him fresh encouragement to trust
in the mighty jehova, for he awoke and said with
awfulness, surely the Lord is in this place and
I knew it not.[…]O when men are favoured
with a sence of his presence! how awful, how
dreadful doth he appear? What heart is too
hard to melt before him? […]here I remembred
how of old time the Law was written on tables
of Stone, but the substance of the new covenant
was now fresh in my mind, that covenant
in which the Lord immediately reveals his
will in the hearts of his people, and it looked to
me then and continues to look so, that the Lord

in this our day is calling to some, and in tender
love drawing their minds toward him, to leave their
acquaintance and kindred which they once took
delight in, and follow the leadings of his unering
spirit, in some things which were not opened to
our forefathers.[…]And some whose hearts
are touched with the Love of God, are brought
like little Jacob. to enter into Covenant with
him, that if he will be with them, and keep
them in the way that they go, and give them bread
to eat, and raiment to put on, then the Lord shall
be their God, and they will serve Him.
Chap X O Lord when thou hides t
hy face from me, then am I troubled, and fear
and anguish besets me.
Be pleased O Lord to look down upon me
with an eye of pitty, and give me rest.
Is it for the Sins of my youth thou art
pleased to afflict me so very sore?

All thy judgments O Lord are righteous
and thy ways exceeding deep. Mercy &
loving kindness is thy delight, and thou doth
not willingly afflict the children of men.
O Lord forsake me not for in thee
alone is my hope. Thou hath done great
things for me;[…]my heart that was like a
stone for hardness, thou hath softened, & melted
into tenderness, and prepared to recieve thy
heavenly instruction.
Weakness and poverty is mine; but Strength
and fulness is in thee O God.
Chap XI The language of Truth
as it opened in my heart.
In Sickness when thy health was taken from thee
then thou wast low in thy mind, and thy greatest
desire was to be found in the way of thy duty.
thou then also desired that the Lord might be pleased
to restore thee to health.

Now the Lord hath granted thee thy desire
O remember, how thou then desired above all
the pleasures and delights of this world to be found
{5} in the way of thy duty! O may this good desire
continue with thee now in thy health! then may
thy latter end be happy, and the day of thy death,
more joyful than the day of thy birth.
Look upon this as a kind invitation from heaven
and be careful lest thou forget the mercies of a
Merciful God, who hath waited long to be gracious
to thee.
Chap XII I dreamed that I with one of my
brothers went to a publick house, and I asking him
if he would drink some beer, he said no, not at
this time.[…]then I called for a pint of beer,
and the woman of the house was displeased, because
I called for so little.[…]I told her it was enough
for one man.[…]there being a company of men,
one of them began to talk to me in a scornful way.
then I went and sat near to him, and looking
earnestly upon him spake to him in the fear

of the Lord, and the power of Truth coming
over him, he spake to me no more. but turned
away, upon which I awoke, and wrote this
dream, and what follows, part thereof with tears.
for it setled in my mind, that great wickedness
is often frequently commited in publick houses, and
that frequenting them proves dangerous to many
who are thereby led astay and ruined.
That people do often provoke one another to excess,
and vain conversation, and in the time thereof
those who have the prosperity of truth at heart
are often treated with contempt.
Now if one who is generally well enclined
doth in any degree joyn with them, it tends to
weakness; but if our lives throughout are agreable
to truth, and we steadily keep to the truth, the
Lord preserves us, and gives power over evil
spirits.[…]O thou wasteful drinker,
who enflameth thy self with strong drink!
flatter not thy self, the day of judgment is at
hand, and O that thou may repent before it is too

Chap XIII It is great pitty that any should
be scattered like sheep without a shepherd.
My beloved my desire is that each of us may
strive earnestly that we may enter into the fold
of everlasting rest.
When death comes, if we are not prepared, O how
shall wee feel then! […]If we have time to think
we shall then have mournful thoughts!
O that I had in the days of prosperity, been diligent
in seeking after, and serving the Lord!
Death sometimes comes suddenly, and may
not be put by.[…]My mind hath been deeply
affected with the thoughts of it.
O that we may more and more seek to be acquainted
with God, and serve him faithfully!
Chap XIV How shall men confide in
one with whom they are not acquainted?
O that we may be rightly acquainted with God, then
may we put our trust in him.
In ages past his faithful servents, have spoke well of
him. they have by experience, found him a gracious
helper in a needful time.

Chap XV There is a treasure which the world
knoweth not of. It is the gift of God to mankind,
and is to be enjoyed in the denial of self, and in the
forsakeing the vanities of this world.
It is pure and inward, O my soul seek for it!
Chap XVI.
What have we done for the natives of this land?
have we been careful to instruct them in that
principles of that pure religion which Jesus
Christ is the Author of?
O how necessary it is, that our examples
before them be agreable to these heavenly doctrines!
How sorrowful is it, that they should
be encouraged in drunkenness, by the professors
of Christianity?
How Sorrowful is it that they should learn
profane and wicked language from the professed
followers of Christ?
May the kindness of their fathers, to our fathers
when these provinces were first setled be remembred;
and may we in our conduct toward them bear

in mind the small price which they set on those
lands which we now possess.
{6} Chap XVII
When the world smiles upon thee remember to
keep to plainness, and let moderation appear in
all thy conduct, and actions.
be exceeding careful lest thy mind be lifted up, &
carried away with decietful pleasures.
Remember that this world is not thy proper home
thou ought to be a stranger in it, thy busines is
to do good with what divine providence hath entrust-
ed thee with, and above all things to strive daily
to be prepared for thy last change.
All things below are changible & uncertain
it will therefore be thy greatest wisdom & happines
to have thy mind fixed on God, and serve him
with all thy strength, then thou may safely
rely upon him.
If thou attain to old age, and hath bodily weak-
ness, he will be thy comfort, even when thy

appetite for worldly pleassure the pleasent
things of this life is gone, […]but if thou
forsake him so great and good a master,
and fixeth thy mind on things here below,
then as david said, he will cast thee off
forever. […]O, lamentable state indeed!
The trees and visible part of the Creation
may afford us an innocent pleasure in this
life, if the mind be fully subdued, and above
all things delighted in adoring the great
Creator, thus we may see his works, and behold
with admiration behold things, in their proper
time and place; but for want of giving diligent
heed to the true and inward teacher, true comfort
is mised of, and that innocent pleasure, which
the visible part of the Creation, might afford us,
we in a great measure are strangers to.
Chap XIX, A Christian Spirit is a
Spirit of love, and they who live in it, live
in love for they cannot live otherwise.

The happy effect which it hath on those who
rightly attend to it is very admirable, it works
out and delivers from all malice, & desire of
Chap XX, At one of our fourth day
meetings, my mind was released from earthly objects
and my inward man strengthened in my silent
siting, then heavenly treasure appeared exceeding
beautiful and desirable, and there was a language
in my heart, “O my beloved seek for it”, and
after meeting on my way home tears of joy ran
down my Cheeks, and I felt a fresh confirmation
that it is profitable, and likewise my duty to
endeavour to attend week day meetings, which
by many are neglected, and the consideration
of so great a Neglect hath at times caused me
to mourn.
Chap XXI. In the beginning of the year 1763
the winter was very cold, and corn and hay
scarce with me, and many more, which at times
caused a sadness in my mind, yet at times my mind

was drawn heaven ward, and melted into
tenderness, which caused me to praise the great
governor of the world, and to consider the saying of
the Apostle, that all things work together for good
to them who love God.
One day with thee, O Lord, is as a thousand years
and a thousand years as one day,[…]All thy
judgments are righteous, neither doest thou
willingly afflict the children of men.
The most high in the beginning created man
in his own Image, and gave him power over the
inferior part of the Creation, and commanding
him to be Merciful, said by his Servent Moses
thou shalt not muzzel the ox which treadeth out
the Corn,[…]but innocent men he gave not power
one over another; so far as to enslave one another,
and as man through disobedience fell from that
state which he was created in, into a state of
sin and death, the mercy of the most high
was such that he forsook not man, but strove

with him, and to redeem him from this sorrowful
fall, he gave his only son who tasted death for
every man, then certainly for the poor Negroes.
{7} And dareest thou who professeth to believe in Christ
have the boldness to keep that man in
Slavery for whom Christ died?
O thou that hath eyes but refuseth to see, and
ears but refuseth to hear, know thou of a truth
that God is no respecter of persons.
da 2,, mo 2,, 1764 on my way home from burlington
it revived in my mind, that to spend a little time
in a Christian way, in visiting the aged, the Sick, &
afflicted, and to Assist the poor under their difficulties
is more pleasing to the Almighty, than to lay up riches
for posterity, or lay out our money in died collours,
and it opened in my mind, that the most high at
this time is calling to some and moving upon
their hearts, to forsake some of their acquaintance,
and the use of costly apparrel, and died collours,
which once they delighted in.
The ways of the most high are wonderful, and

as the children of men give way to the leadings of
his Spirit, he teacheth them all things needful
to be understood, but when they forsake his
leadings, they forsake their own mercies, and
wander in A dark way which is unprofitable
to themselves, and to others.
My heart is concerned for the happiness of
mankind, and it is sealed on my mind, that
it doth not depend on Customs approved by
men, but on Obedience to the spirit of truth.
The Love of God which unites in true brotherhood
is a treasure of all others most desirable, and is
a blessing beyond expression.[…]O the sweetness
of it! Is thy heart hard, and shut up against
the cries of the Afflicted, this divine love as
thou seekest after it, and delights to feel the
movings of it on thy mind, it will soften and
melt thy heart into tenderness: then thou wilt
find no narrowness of heart.
The desire for revenge which is very afflicting,
will be removed from thy mind, and thou wilt

experience an increase of love to flow toward all
thy fellow creatures.-[…] O the happy
effect of the Love of God! it is beyond expression,
O my Soul! seek after it, and live in it.
without it there is darkness and Misery, but in it
is all true happiness.
Chap XXV
O Lord, what is man without thee! or what are
the treasures of this world without thy presence!
Man is a poor frail creature, and the treasures
of this world, are not sufficient to make him happy.
his immaginations and conclusions are vain &
foolish; but thy ways O Lord are pure, & deep!
and thy presence is more than life.
I beheld the Christian path and it was so narrow
that there was no room for self to speak or move,
it appeared as if self should drop down & hide, and let
Truth arise and be at sway. O my Soul chuse truth
for thy companion! prise it as thy bosom friend!
then thou may walk in the Christian path with a Secret
delight, but take care lest self arise.

Keep honesty and humility for thy constant
companions, then in times of tryal, when the
friendship of the world passeth away, as thou keepest
Truth for thy bosom friend, it will be as a wall
and bulwark round about thee, and will give
thee that peace which the world cannot take away.
Thou may deck thy self with silver, and array
thyself in fine linnen, and costly apparrel;
But the time is near, that of these thy imaginary
ornaments, thou must be striped, and stand
bare before the Almighty judge; then the
ornament of a meek spirit, of a dove, lamblike
innocence, and uprightness, these will be the
ornaments, which in the Sight of God will be
of great price.
Near the end of the seventh month 1766 I had
a fit of the Asthma, and when the extremity of
the pain was over, some of my dear friends

who have departed this life revived fresh in my
memory, who I believe are entered into the mansions
of Glory. Then all earthly treasures & enjoyments
crowns and Scepters appear’d no more than bubbles
{8} on the water; and there was an earnest longing
in my mind, that I might so spend my time as to
be tightly prepared to meet with the faithful, in the
glorious kingdom, where the wicked cease from
troubleing, where all tears shall be wiped away
and where the Soul shall continually rejoyce, &
sing praise to the redeemer world with out end.
Chap 30 XXX.
O Lord, through long and Sore affliction my
flesh and strength is wasted! My Spirit is
covered with sadness, and my life is afflictive
to me![…]O Lord, my mind is turned toward
thee! be pleased I beseech thee in the multitude
of thy mercies, to remember me.
O heavenly father! as a righteous judge
thou wast near me in the days of my youth,
when darkness covered my mind, & thick darkness

was over my understanding, then in tender
mercies did thy glorious light shine, and thou
did often draw my mind to forsake earthly vanities,
and cleave to thee, the fountain of life & peace.
O the sweetness of thy love to them that
seek thee in Contrition of Spirit, and yield
Obedience to thee!
Being often afflicted I have been lead to
consider this vast globe, The lights in the
firmament, the depth of the Sea, the many sorts
of grain, plants, and herbs, all these set forth the
power of an Almighty being.
I considered multitudes of birds with a pleasent
harmonious voice, and beheld them Singing of
his praise.[…]I considered great numbers
of four footed beasts, in fatness and delight who are
fed by him.[…]And while my meditations have
been on the wonderful works, of the Almighty,
alwise, powerful, and Merciful Creator, amongst
his creatures, a serious consideration hath arisen

in my mind, why men, the most noble part of this
visible creation should be so grievious afflicted?
These considerations have attended my mind,
year after year, and I have felt an earnest desire
that I might be acquainted with the true cause of my
own Afflictions. And in these awakening times it often
arose in my mind; that man was created in the Image
of God; and through disobedience fell from it, into a
state of sin, and death to the Soul, where he is endeavour-
ing to please himself with creaturely delights, and too
much neglects to seek after a return to his maker.
Thus he is craving the treasures of this world,
seeking after greatness, and costly apparrel, with
almost innumerable unnecessary things, which
cause abundance of needless labour; and unprofitable
cares. These things though common amongst the
children of men, and approved of by many, do hinder
us from seeking diligently to return to our maker.
Now in these times of my sore affliction, I believed
that the time is come wherein the Almighty is
visiting some home! sometimes bringing them

near to the gates of death, makeing life afflictive
to them, that they may feel of the distress which
the oppressed go through, both man, & beast.
preparing their hearts to receive instruction,
to learn a new lesson, such an one as would be
hard to learn in outward prosperity.
That they may leave of oppression, and cease to
have fellowship with the oppressors, and worldly
minded men.[…] That they may be delivered
from narrowness of heart, and leave of seeking for
advantage over others. That they may come
out of all things which would lead themselves or
others into hurry, And with hearts full of love &
call to others to come out of these things and live a
new life,[…] A life Sympathizing with the
oppressed and others in their afflictions.
To deal their bread to the hungry, and consider
the whole of mankind as brothers & Sisters.
To love the Lord with all our hearts,
and our Neighbours as our selves.

Chap XXXIII Third month 1768 this winter
I past through pains and weakness of body and was
confined chiefly within doors; In which state the
{9} former sufferings for the cause of Truth, which friends
patiently went through; and the present sufferings and
oppression of the Negroes under us was often in my
mind.[…]Now if a true history of the Oppressions
of the Negroes, together with an account of the costly
apparrel, household furniture, and high living of
many amongst us, were published, how evidently
would it appear that there is a grievious backsliding
and degeneracy from that uprightness & simplicity
which in time past appeared amongst friends.
Chap. XXXIV. After recovering
a little from the before mentioned weakness I wrapt
myself in warm cloaths and went to one of our
religious meetings.[…]I sat near the fire
but felt verry chilly, and had many reasonings
in my mind, how I should get home without

taking fresh cold. I thought in my self, that
I was a weak helpless creature, and the remem-
brance of the great pain which I had lately endured
increased my fear, in the higth of which it suddenly
came in my mind, that the Lord is a powerful
God. […]then there was no room for doubts or fears,
for I was sure that this was the Truth.[…]My heart
was warmed, and immediately I felt inward comfort,
which is a treasure superior to all the delights of this
world, and through the renewed mercies of the Lord
I returned safe home.
Chap XXXV.[…]When thou thinks on
the poor, when thou deals with the poor, then
let tenderness cover thy mind.
When thou undertakes the management of young,
or other creatures, O then remember the Innocency
of man, when the Almighty gave him dominion
over the inferior part of the creaton! and labour

{for } that innocent state, therein to govern with tenderness
and Mercy.
When thou taketh away the life of a creature, let
{10} awfulness cover thy mind, let the execution be
quick and with as little pain as is possible,
always remembring that the Lord hath a regard
for every part of his creation, and that thou as
a steward must account to him for all thy conduct
toward them.
Chap. XXXVI. Our habitations remain
undisturbed, and our land yieldeth pleanty;
while many of us under this outward quiet do
too much neglect our duty, and are pleaseing our
palates with the fruits of the labour of an oppressed
While we as a nation in fullness of bread do
knowingly make merchendise of the labour of
oppressed Slaves, it gradually tends to lessen

that inward tenderness which ought to be in our
minds toward the oppressed.
“When the time called christmas came, while
others were feasting from house to house
themselves, I looked out poor widows from
house to house, and gave them some money,”
G Fox Journal page 4,3George Fox founded the Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers, in the 17th century. The Journal of George Fox, published in 1694, details Fox’s religious experiences and theology.[…]In this Sympa-
thising spirit, the poor and the afflicted are
often in our remembrance, and a care
maintained to do nothing to strengthen those
bonds under which our fellow creatures are
oppressed.[…]If we would be acquainted
with that which belongs to our everlasting peace,
we must look from the world, and get down into
the valley which is unknown to the world, and in
humility, and abasement of self, wait to hear
the voice of the true Shepherd and when we hear,
be careful to obey

Chap XXXVII There are several sorts
of people who have but little of the treasure of
this world.[…]Some widows who are left with
small children, Some weakly people, Some
aged people. Some in these Conditions labour
hard, rather beyond their ability, and yet are
straitned for the necessaries of life; There are
others who live at ease in worldly greatness &
fulness of bread.[…]When I have thought on these
things, my heart hath been sorrowful.
That which the latter lay out in Superfluities
being rightly applied, might be a means of help
and relief to the former.
In the days of my youth I was in the practice of
useing Sugar, and other west india produce, without
thinking much on the manner of its being raised,

and made, but within twelve years past I have
been repeatedly, and credibly informed, that the
labour is chiefly performed by Slaves, who are
under oppression, many of whom were taken by
Violence from their native land, which with me
is a Sufficient reason to decline useing the west-
india prodice.
At a time when vanity and oppression
is increasing amongst the inhabitants of the land
it becomes us; who profess to be lead by the Spirit
of Truth, to experience our hearts cleansed, and
our minds enlightened, with the light of Christ,
that we may see the#Abners own words approaching danger, and
calamities which threaten these neighbouring provinces
and stand like faithful watchmen on the wall,
Uniting together, in example, and godly labours
to convice the youth of the danger, there is in

conversing with such whose lives and practices
are contrary to the doctrine of Christ.
Chap XL. In a time of mourning, when my
{11} heart was exceeding Sorrowful, it opened in my
mind, that while the rich men live in greatness,
and demand Interest at Seven percent, weekday-
meetings will be small; and while the members
of our Society are engaged in promoting the
bringing so much rum into the land, the Society
will not be clear from the great sin of drunkenness.
Chap XLI
I have experienced the mercies of the Lord, to be
greater than what I have words to express.
With his good gifts I have been fed all my life long.
He hath given me of his own good Spirit, which
hath instructed me to do justly, to love mercy, to
walk humbly, and to deal equitably with all
my fellow creatures, without seeking for advantage

over any. and to Oppress nothing. and so far
as I have been Obedient, he hath given me peace.
and this morning the thirteenth day of the eighth
month 1771 under a fresh sence, of his wonderful
mercies, in my lonely condition I have shed
tears of joy.
Chap. XLII
Under a long continuance of bodily weakness, &
my strength gradually wasting, I generally
felt a concern on meeting days, while I was
able to walk to the door, without outward help,
to give my attendance in dry weather, at our
religious meetings, and to take the greatest part of
my family with me, and through the renewed
mercies of the Lord, I thought that the last
meeting I was at, was one of the Sweetest to
me that ever I was in, 20th-day 8th-month 1771.
It doth not appear that he made any4

notes in writing after the last note. Several of this last being
found on pieces of paper & probably wrote when he was unable to attend
meetings. […]And as I was sundry times with
him within the three last months of his time, I had
{12} Some some oportunities of hearing him express the state
of his mind.[…]He once told me that since
his strength was so gone that he could not attend
meetings, his concern to attend them ceased, and that
his mind was made easie in his present condition.
At another time when he had, dureing some
days, been under great distress of body, I went to see
him, and he said that under the most trying times,
he had a trust in the mercies of the Lord, and that
these afflictions, to him were a great blessing, for
which he was very thankful.
That he was Sencible of many imperfections, which
at times had attended him, but found the mercies of
the Lord flow forth like the opening of a Fountain,
and that he had no trust in anything, but in this
only –[…]He made mention of a sence he had of
the greatness of Gods Love which to him had appeared
as a boundless Ocean, and again repeated his Sight

thereof in a manner which manifested an inward
awfulness of Soul.
After this he gathered bodily strength a little, so
that he sometimes rode out, and one pleasent day
as he rode on a slow walk, he in a reverent
manner made mention to me of the beauty of this
visible creation, and signified, that as men came
to be restored to perfect uprightness in living, they
might enjoy sweetness and innocent delight, in
things pertaining to this life.
After this he soon grew weaker again, and I
going to see him got there, I believe, about five
hours before he departed.
He appeared in a meek, quiet state of mind, &
was glad to see me, having before exprest a desire
of an oportunity with me; and we being left in
private, he said, It hath been the most humbling
time that ever I passed through, and I find
nothing to trust in, but in the mercies of the
Lord, and I believe the Lord will prepare a place
of rest for me.[…]He said Signified that through
Divine Love, his heart hath been brought into

very great tenderness, and Sympathising love with
his fellow creatures,.
Then he exprest a lively concern, that the active
members in our Society, might keep to the Spirit
of Truth in their living, and outward concerns, and
that he having been much exercised in an inward
Sympathy with the oppressed, felt that concern still
to live in his mind.
He appeared apprehensive that his change was
now near, and said he had no desire to live longer
in this world.
Soon after this he was in much bodily pain, &
said I have greatly desired a Support, that I may
bear these heavy pains with patience, and said
I have felt many pains in my life, but these pains
are different from any that I ever felt before.
Which petition the Lord was mercifully pleased
to grant, So that no Signs of murmuring appeared
on him.
His Speech soon after failed, under the pangs of
death, and at length he did not appear to have

much pain; but to outward appearence
breathed quiet, and easie, for half an hour
or more, and departed like one going
to Sleep, on the 4th day, 11th mo; 1771,
in the evening aged about 47– John Woolman