Interdisciplinary Digital Humanities

European Association for Digital Humanities
Brings together and represents the Digital Humanities in Europe across the entire spectrum of disciplines that research, develop, and apply digital humanities methods and technology.
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Gateway to Early Modern Manuscript Sermons (GEMMS)| 1530-1715 | 1725 – 1911
A bibliographic database of early modern sermon manuscripts from the British Isles and North America; a finding aid for all types of manuscripts related to sermons, including complete sermons, sermon notes and reports of sermons, held in numerous repositories in the UK, Ireland, the USA and Canada.
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Georgian Papers Programme | 1714 – 1837
Interdisciplinary project to digitize, conserve, catalog, transcribe, interpret and disseminate 425,000 pages or 65,000 items in the Royal Archives and Royal Library relating to the Georgian period.
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Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies (SIMS)
Bringing manuscript culture, modern technology and people together to bring access to and understanding of our intellectual heritage locally and around the world. A think-tank for manuscript studies in the digital age.
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