Petition that the territory of the Royal African Company be not extended beyond Acra


Petition that the territory of the Royal African Company be not extended beyond Acra

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March 1695/6

Account of Negroes. &
where they are gotten
from Affrica./

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{March 1695/6}

Whereas it hath plainly appeared to the Honorable House of Comons
how very advantageous the Trade of West India Plantations
is to this Nation, and how Necessary it is that they Should be
well Supplyed with Negroes, have Voted that the Trade for
Negroes to Affrica Shall be free and open to all the Native
Subjects of this Kingdome.

The Places where the Trade for Negroes cheifly consists are
Acra – which is the extream part of the Gold Coast and first
place for Slaves and from thence to.

Alampo is: – 40 Miles thence to }
River Vulto 40 – thence to }
Quitto – – 36 – thence } {These are the only places for any Quantity of Slaves – And where great and defencible Ships can Trade – }
Affrone – – 21 – thence to }
Packahano – 30[…] thence to }
Widdaw – 40 […] thence to }

Ardaw – – 21 — thence to }
New Callabar – 150 – thence to } {These places have few or no Slaves, and are all barr’d places, So that none little Vessells can Trade there}
Old Callabar – 50 – thence to }
Cape Lopez – 300 – thence to }

Angola – – 300 The Slaves from thence are not for hard
Labour but for house Service

By this it is very demonstrable how absolute necessary it is that
the Trade from Acra to Angola be made open and free,
otherwise it will be Impossible for the Plantacons to be
Supplyed with Negroes in any Competent degree

And not only the Places abovementioned be free, but that
all Ships belonging to the Subjects of this Kingdome may
have liberty to touch at any Part on the Coast of Affrica for
their necessary Support –

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The Affrican Company Grant being at Salle and from
thence to Acra the last place where the Company hath Fort
or Factory and from whence they have gold is 3000 Mile
in which extent lyeth the River Gambo which is Supposed
to be 1600 Miles Navigable but not Traded up in nor
discovery made by this present Company –

Wherefore it is humbly prayed that the Company
Grant may not extent further then Acra /

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