Dec 12, 2022 | 18th Century, North America, Pamphlet, Transcription
Pamphlet Benjamin Rush – An Address to the Inhabitants of British America (1773) Introduction In progress. Sources Benjamin Rush. An Address to the Inhabitants of the British Settlements in America, Upon Slave-Keeping. ([Boston] : Philadelphia, printed,...Aug 21, 2022 | 18th Century, Chapters, North America, Pamphlet, Transcription
Richard Nisbet Richard Nisbet – Slavery Not Forbidden by Scripture (1773) Introduction Richard Nisbet was a West Indian enslaver who was residing in Philadelphia. In 1773, Nisbet published a pamphlet as a response to Benjamin Rush’s antislavery work, An...May 14, 2020 | 18th Century, Pamphlet, Transcription, United States
A Lawyer’s Call St. George Tucker’s Gradual Emancipation Plan (1796) One of Virginia’s most notable lawyers in the late 18th Century, Tucker set out to provide his state with a plan to rid itself of the institution of slavery. Introduction St. George...May 1, 2020 | 17th Century, Netherlands, Pamphlet, Transcription
An Exiles Writings John Locke – A Letter Concerning Toleration Writing on the matter of religious toleration, it may seem Locke was simply interested in advocating for the rights or liberties of religious minorities. Yet, during a time when monarchs asserted...Apr 30, 2020 | 17th Century, England, Pamphlet, Transcription
A Response to Filmer Algernon Sidney – Discourses Concerning Government Excerpts (1680-1683) Like many writers of the time, Sidney participated in the intense debates surrounding the proper extent of monarchial power. This work was perhaps his most well known,...Apr 30, 2020 | 17th Century, England, Pamphlet, Transcription
CHARLES I The Trial of Charles I (1649) A king is put on trial and charged with treason against his own nation. Shockwaves eminate from the challenge to the institution of the monarchy, the pervading form of government for centuries. Introduction The trial of Charles...