Apr 30, 2020 | 17th Century, Book, England, Transcription
Ch 4: Glorious revolutions? John LockeTwo Treatises of Government (1690) Perhaps Locke’s best-known writing, this work was a response to Sir Robert Filmer’s Patriarcha. It attacked the very basis of defenses of absolutist monarchies. Written in exile,...Apr 30, 2020 | 17th Century, Book, England, Transcription
Finding Sedition Roger L’Estrange Considerations and Proposals In Order to the Regulation of the Press (1663) L’Estrange was a tireless defender of the monarchy, Charles II in particular. He would eventually be rewarded for his loyalty, and be tasked with...Apr 30, 2020 | 17th Century, Book, England, Transcription
Morgan Godwyn Morgan Godwyn – Trade Preferred Before Religion (1685) During a time of increased prosecutions of those who spoke against the monarchy, one Anglican minister took to the pulpit to denounce not just the concentration of power by the kings of...Apr 30, 2020 | 17th Century, Book, England, Transcription
ROBERT FILMER Sir Robert Filmer – Patriarcha (1680) While some wrote to defend the execution of King Charles I, others wrote to justify the power of kings and queens. Filmer’s work became one of the most important books on the legitimacy of monarchial...Apr 30, 2020 | 17th Century, Book, Transcription
JOHN MILTON John Milton – Eikonoklastes (1649) Following the end of the English Civil War, the country was rattled by the destruction of the monarchy and the execution of a king. Many thought the murder of a monarch unjust. Others, like Milton, made the case for...Apr 30, 2020 | 16th Century, Book, England, Transcription
JAMES VI and i The True Law of Free Monarchies (1598) Before becoming king of England, James VI wrote a book about his views on the proper rights and power of monarchs. His views expressed in this work, while he sat on the throne in Scotland, would foreshadow the...