
Iberian Antecedents When Portuguese explorers and merchants launched the slave trade from Africa to Europe in the mid-fifteenth century, Iberian precedent already provided a host of justifications for enslavement, based in part on Roman laws concerning “just...

Tory Reactions

Tory Reactions The Whig’s moment in power was relatively brief, yet during their governance they enacted or attempted to enact sweeping policy changes for the British nation and the empire. These actions were not without protests, however, from Tory members invested...

Chapter Seven: Colonial Aftershocks in the 19th Century

Colonial Aftershocks in the Nineteenth Century The establishment of the United States marked both the launch of new notions of human rights and a competing entrenchment of hierarchical ways held over from their colonial origins. These ideas often clashed, sometimes...

Chapter Six: Revolutionary Atlantics

Revolutionary Atlantics The American Revolution would start a chain of events that reverberated not just in the British Empire, but across the wider Atlantic world. These changes would affect almost every major aspect of colonial-turned-American society, including...

Chapter Five: Whig Moments

Whig Moments The Glorious Revolution led in England to some basic reforms in government and some important statements of rights, especially the English Bill of Rights of 1689. With James II’s departure (and the lapse of the licensing act in 1695), the decade of the...